On Wednesday, December 4th 2013 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Los Angeles, CA which had occured previously at Philippine Media Inc. A employee working as a employee was injured on the job when the employee fell off ladder, injured back and pelvis
Accident Date2013-11-05
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt approximately 4:25 p.m. on November 5, 2013, Employee #1, with Philippine Media Inc., was installing Western Union Signs on the exterior wall of a property. Employee #1 was using an extension ladder to gain access and affix the two signs at an elevated location. To prevent slipping, the president of this media company, and supervisor of Employee #1, was holding the ladder during the installation of the first sign. During the installation of the second Western Union sign at approximately 15.25 ft, the president held the ladder only in the beginning and then suddenly left. Employee #1 was inserting the last bolts, as the ladder started to slide. As a result, Employee #1 fell to the ground about 15 feet and landed on his back, hitting the parking block. He was hospitalized and required back and pelvic surgeries.