Display Advertising

Industry Summary

Between 2014 and 2015, the Display Advertising industry saw employment growth of only 1.23%. There are an average of 11 workers at each of the 3,319 establishments in the United States. Over the past 5 years this industry has recorded an accident rate of over 2 times (387% more) the average for the Advertising and Related Services Industry.

The accident investigation below was opened on Monday, February 11th 2019 by OSHA representitives in Bartlett, IL at Quality Installations Company. A 42 year old Laborer had been killed when the
OSHA ID113512.015
Accident Date2019-02-09
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt 1:00 p.m., on February 09, 2019, an employee was working on the back of a wooden billboard ratcheting new vinyl onto the sign. The employee was standing on 2 by 4's on the back side of the sign and lost balance and fell approximately 24 feet resulting in fatal blunt force trauma.
OSHA investigators arrived in Orlando, FL on Friday, October 20th 2017 and began an accident investigation at Expert Sign Installers, Inc. . A 34 year old man working as a Hand painting was killed on the job when the employee working on outdoor advertising was killed in fall
OSHA ID100387.015
Accident Date2017-10-20
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt approximately 2:10 p.m. on October 20, 2017, an employee was working for a firm that installed signs for outdoor advertising. He was tying down a mesh banner. His leg got caught by the banner, and the employee was flung into the air. He fell to the ground, sustained multiple broken bones, and was killed.
OSHA investigators arrived in Westminster, CA on Friday, October 20th 2017 and began an accident investigation which had occured previously at Elite Sign Services, Inc.. A 35 year old had been injured when the employee fell from ladder and sustained fractures
OSHA ID100005.015
Accident Date2017-10-02
Accident DegreeHospitalized injury
NarrativeAt 11:30 p.m. on October 2, 2017, an employee was working for a firm that put up signs for outdoor advertising. He was removing a metal channel (i.e., a wireway) from the side of a building, and he was working from a ladder. For some unknown reason, he was knocked from the ladder. He sustained fractures of the right arm and left foot, and a head injury. He was hospitalized.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 496
Inspection Rate: 1.02
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 21