Personal Care Services

Industry Summary

Between 2014 and 2015, the Personal Care Services industry saw employment growth of only 2.63%. There are an average of 6 workers at each of the 117,255 establishments in the United States. With OSHA reported accident rates of less than that of the the Personal and Laundry Services Industry as a whole, things have been relatively safe over the past five years.

On Monday, March 7th 2016 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in Whittier, CA which had occured previously at I.B.S. Beauty, Inc.. A 31 year old employee had been killed when the employee was killed in explosion and fire
OSHA ID84632.015
Accident Date2016-03-07
Accident DegreeFatality
NarrativeAt approximately 3:17 p.m. on March 7, 2016, Employee #1 was transferring a flammable liquid from a 55 gallon drum to a 1 gallon container when the container exploded. The building caught on fire and Employee #1 was killed from thermal burns and inhalation of smoke.
On Sunday, November 8th 2015 OSHA reps took a report of a serious accident in RANDOLPH, MA which had occured previously at Salon Centric. A employee working as a was injured on the job when the other fall to lower level less than 6 feet
Accident Date2015-11-08
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeAn employee was standing on a chair to unplug something and fell injuring their ankle, requiring surgery.
OSHA investigators arrived in PITTSBURGH, PE on Tuesday, June 30th 2015 and began an accident investigation after learning of an incident at McKesson which had occured on the same day. A employee working as a was injured on the job when the fall on same level, unspecified
Accident Date2015-06-30
Accident DegreeInjury
NarrativeAn employee standing in the break room fell over and broke a hip.

OSHA Inspection Activity

Accident Rate

5 Year Average
Last 12 Months

Reporting Statistics

Inspection Records: 973
Inspection Rate: 0.04
Violation Records:
Accident Records: 7

Common Tools/Equipment

Injured Body Part

Location of Accident